Logo der Universität Wien

Stakeholders (Austria)


Chamber of Labour - Department for Women and Family

represented by Ingrid Moritz
E-Mail: Ingrid.MORITZ@akwien.at


Federal Ministry of Families and Youth

represented by Ewald Filler
E-Mail: ewald.filler@bmfj.gv.at


Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights

represented by Helmut Sax
E-Mail: helmut.sax@univie.ac.at


Rechtskomitee LAMBDA

represented by Helmut Graupner
E-Mail: helmut.graupner@RKLambda.at


Austrian Insitute for Family Studies

represented by Olaf Kapella
E-Mail: olaf.kapella@oif.ac.at


Institut für Soziologie
Universität Wien

Rooseveltplatz 2/3
1090 Wien

University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0