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Changing Families and Sustainable Societies: Policy Contexts and Diversity over the Life Course and Across Generations

“FamiliesAndSocieties - Changing families and sustainable societies: Policy contexts and diversity over the life course and across generations” is a European research project, funded under the Seventh Framework Programme.

The approach is multidisciplinary combining a wide range of expertise in social sciences, law and the humanities represented in the consortium of 25 research partners from 15 European countries, old and new member states, and three transnational civil society actors.

Grant agreement no: 320116


The main objectives of FamiliesAndSocieties are:
• to investigate the diversity of family forms, relationships, and life courses in
• to assess the compatibility of existing policies with these changes
• to contribute to evidence-based policy-making

The work of the consortium is divided into 12 work packages.






Institut für Soziologie
Universität Wien

Rooseveltplatz 2/3
1090 Wien

University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0